How House Calls for Kids supports families and children living with ASD and SPD
Child anxiety with hospitals, ERs, and Doctor’s offices is real for all of us. This anxiety can be even worse in children with Sensory Processing Disorders or children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children with these disorders can become overwhelmed by unfamiliar sounds, lights, people, changes of environment and transitions between locations or settings. House calls can make the whole experience more comfortable and help to cut down the stress and anxiety.
Children that live with these disorders also benefit from from objects and distractions that help them relax and focus. Many of these elements they already have established in their own home. A house call allows providers to take advantage of the systems families already have in place that work for their child. During house calls providers bring along a sensory toolkit with many items of distraction that are visual and tactile. These work for all children but can be especially helpful for children with ASD or SPD.
Communication is important. Families should communicate their child’s needs with their medical provider before and during the visit. These visits may take a little longer but it’s important for providers to take the time to explain what they are doing to the patient and parent and to go slowly. It’s also crucial to recognize when a break from the exam is necessary.
Timing of appointments can make a huge difference as well. When possible these appointments should be scheduled at a time that works best for the child. This will help set them up for success during the visit.
Celebrate wins! Making it through steps of the exam or meeting the provider are worth celebrating. It’s important to praise the child and offer rewards for a job well done.
House Calls for Kids understands that all children can benefit from this type of personalized experience. Our mission is to provide exceptional medical care for the families in our community while reducing stress and anxiety. House Calls for Kids aims to provide a convenient option for all families and especially those of children with ASD and SPD.
To learn more about House Calls for Kids, visit us at and IG @housecallsforkidsfl
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