Sunshine, the essential vitamin!
Vitamin D is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones! Nearly 40% of adults are estimated to be deficient in this essential vitamin, as are 1 in 10 US children with 60% of children at suboptimal levels. Not getting enough can lead to soft bones, frequent fractures, muscle fatigue, rickets and osteoporosis.
The 3 main ways to make sure your child is getting enough Vitamin D:
Get some sunshine! When our skin is exposed to direct sunshine it converts a chemical in our skin to the active form of vitamin D. Unfortunately sunscreen is also essential and it can decrease vitamin D production. 10 min of midday sun 3 times a week without sunscreen can really help ensure Vitamin D production. (Still wear a hat and sunglasses to protect you face and eyes!) Remember to apply sunscreen if you plan on staying out longer.
Diet! Vitamin D is not found in many foods but a great place to start is fatty fishes like wild caught salmon. Eggs also have a small amount of vitamin D (37 IU per yolk). However, free range chickens produce eggs with Vitamin D levels 3-4 times that! Read the labels and check for vitamin D in fortified milk, OJ, cereal and yogurt!
Vitamin D Supplements. Most children’s multivitamins contain the recommended daily Vitamin D. Recommended dose is 400 IU (10mcg) in babies under one and 600 IU (15mcg) for everyone else.
10 min of direct midday sunlight 3 times a week is the best way to produce natural vitamin D.
In your family’s diet, opt for wild caught salmon or free range chicken eggs to maximize your vitamin D consumption. Check labels of milk, OJ, yogurt and cereal to see if they are fortified with vitamin D.
A children’s daily multivitamin is a great way to ensure your kiddo is getting enough vitamin D.
How will you get your vitamin D today?