The Flu and Kids!

The Flu is making a come back! After a year long hiatus, its starting to show itself again. While not in crazy numbers at the moment, cases are increasing with the predominant strain being Flu A. 

What are common symptoms of the flu?




Runny Nose

Vomiting or diarrhea are common in children

Influenza is a virus so antibiotics won’t help it go away any faster. 

Its spread through saliva and respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. 

Prevention is key! 

How can I help protect my family from the flu? 

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 30 seconds.

Cover our coughs and sneezes

Stere clear of friends and family when they are sick and stay home when you are feeling under the weather.

Clean surfaces in the home and toys often

Don’t share drinks

Consider the flu vaccine for you and your family, recommended by the CDC for children ages 6 months and older.


Lots of clear fluids

Nasal suctioning and nose blowing

Honey for cough in children over the age of 1

Tylenol or Motrin for fever control

Plenty of rest

Get outside and get some fresh air!


Tamiflu is an antiviral medication that can help reduce the severity of the flu and help you get well faster. The flu is best treated in the beginning stages of illness and Tamiflu is most effective in the first 24-48hours on symptom onset. 

Tamiflu can help but isn’t without its own side effects. Potential side effects of Tamiflu include: 

Nausea and vomiting

Stomach upset 



Tamiflu is not a perfect medication. It is recommended for patients that are high risk for complications. Examples include children with a history of asthma or that are immunocompromised. 

Dont forget these tips to keep your immune system healthy so you dont catch the flu this season!

  1. Get plenty of sleep

  2. Stay hydrated

  3. Get some sunshine

  4. Eat balanced diet including variety of fruits and veggies

  5. Practice good hygiene

  6. Stay Active and move your body

  7. Reduce stress when possible

Stay healthy everyone! We are here if you need us!


CROUP…What’s with this cough?


Hand and foot and mouth (and arms and legs and diaper rash) disease, oh my!!