Health Benefits of Vitamin D!
Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. This is because your body can only absorb calcium when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cell functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity. Nearly 40% of adults are estimated to be deficient in this essential vitamin, as are 1 in 10 US children with 60% of children at suboptimal levels.
The 3 main ways to make sure your child is getting enough Vitamin D:
☀️Sunlight: 10 min of direct midday sunlight 3 times a week is the best way to produce natural vitamin D. (Still wear a hat and sunglasses to protect you face and eyes!) Remember to apply sunscreen if you plan on staying out longer.
🐟🥚Diet: In your families’ diet opt for wild caught salmon or free range chicken eggs to maximize your vitamin D consumption. Check labels of milk, OJ, yogurt and cereal to see if they are fortified with vitamin D.
💊Vitamins: A children’s multivitamin daily is a great way to ensure your kiddo is getting enough vitamin D. Recommended dose is 400 IU (10mcg) in babies under one and 600 IU (15mcg) for everyone else.